Zack Snyder’s ‘Dawn of the Dead’ (2004): Reel to Real

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American mainstream cinema rarely strays into the Other Side’s territory – never mind American remakes of cult classics.

George A. Romero’s classic Dawn of the Dead zombie trilogy – which was later expanded – is infinitely worth checking out, preferably with bloody Margherita pizzas. But lo, did Zack Snyder’s 2004 remake kick rotting ass!

Crucially, the zombies were convincing: Few things are as fundamentally un-scary as obviously fake zombies. (“Is that fig jam!??”) Snyder’s update of Dawn of the Dead retained Romero’s nihilistic sobriety but injected a (briefly) exhilarating existential glee into proceedings – all while genuinely achieving (and lovingly stroking) claustrophobic discomfort.

Crunchy-cranium gratuity abounds: “Tell him to get Burt Reynolds.” Zack Snyder’s remake also features quite possibly the bestest end-credit sequence in the world ever-and-a-half.

[First published in Muse magazine.]

Mick Raubenheimer