Living Colour – Shade (2017)
Is ‘Shade’ the best ever Living Colour album? Maybe, but that’s such a tall order.
Is ‘Shade’ the best ever Living Colour album? Maybe, but that’s such a tall order.
Corey Glover discusses how the forthcoming album ‘Shade’ fits into Living Colour’s storied canon – and why he refused to include one song.
Cheap Trick’s ‘We’re All Alright!’ does what so few late-career albums are able to do: tap into what made a band great in the first place.
With the more mainstream rock record ‘Winter,’ David Philips has again made music without making any concessions.
If Living Colour’s “Come On” is representative of the whole project, ‘Shade’ is going to be well worth the wait.
‘Over the Covers’ showcases the Brownout I always love with a new sense of urgency and maturity.
The Baron Four have an authentic, mid-’60s garage-punk American sound. There’s just one problem.
Garry Tallent assured us that this “was not going to be any four-hour concert.” He laughed, “I only know one person crazy enough for that!”
What’s the difference between an electric piano and an acoustic one? In the hands of The 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco, apparently not much, quality-wise.
Bobby Kimball’s voice, which has lost little of its range and emotional presence, elevates ‘We’re Not in Kansas Anymore.’