Richard Turgeon, “My Guitar” (2020): One Track Mind
A lot of thought and effort was put into “My Guitar,” which Richard Turgeon says was inspired by the keen production techniques of Brian Wilson.
A lot of thought and effort was put into “My Guitar,” which Richard Turgeon says was inspired by the keen production techniques of Brian Wilson.
Crank it to the max and support San Francisco-area songwriter Richard Turgeon’s hope and vision for a better day for all of us.
This Bobby Fuller Four cover laments losing a love to the tear-jerking tremor of Richard Turgeon’s emotionally charged vox power.
An engaging slice of heartland rock, “Never Good Enough” follows the release of Richard Turgeon’s fourth studio album, ‘Sea Change.’
Richard Turgeon covers a song about coping and adapting when life is seemingly unbearable, which surely speaks to a lot of us right now.
Richard Turgeon’s cover of “Live Forever” almost feels like a contemporary anthem regarding conspiracy theories surrounding the novel coronavirus.
Bay Area resident Richard Turgeon’s fourth studio album, ‘Sea Change,’ contains a hail of hooks which promise to pull in continual praise.
Vibrating with volume, Richard Turgeon’s “Never Leaving California” projects a mood that fits right in with its dark subject matter.
Richard Turgeon’s energetic delivery of “22” is right in sync with its youth-obsessed theme.
Richard Turgeon’s latest single is clothed in appealing arrangements consisting of chiming guitars, polished melodies and a breezy chorus.