Post Tagged with: "Richard Turgeon"

Richard Turgeon, "My Guitar" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “My Guitar” (2020): One Track Mind

A lot of thought and effort was put into “My Guitar,” which Richard Turgeon says was inspired by the keen production techniques of Brian Wilson.

Richard Turgeon, "Powder Keg" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “Powder Keg” (2020): One Track Mind

Crank it to the max and support San Francisco-area songwriter Richard Turgeon’s hope and vision for a better day for all of us.

Richard Turgeon, "A New Shade of Blue" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “A New Shade of Blue” (2020): One Track Mind

This Bobby Fuller Four cover laments losing a love to the tear-jerking tremor of Richard Turgeon’s emotionally charged vox power.

Richard Turgeon, "Never Good Enough" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “Never Good Enough” (2020): One Track Mind

An engaging slice of heartland rock, “Never Good Enough” follows the release of Richard Turgeon’s fourth studio album, ‘Sea Change.’

Richard Turgeon, "Learning to Fly" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “Learning to Fly” (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon covers a song about coping and adapting when life is seemingly unbearable, which surely speaks to a lot of us right now.

Richard Turgeon, "Live Forever" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “Live Forever” (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon’s cover of “Live Forever” almost feels like a contemporary anthem regarding conspiracy theories surrounding the novel coronavirus.

Richard Turgeon - 'Sea Change' (2020)

Richard Turgeon – ‘Sea Change’ (2020)

Bay Area resident Richard Turgeon’s fourth studio album, ‘Sea Change,’ contains a hail of hooks which promise to pull in continual praise.

Richard Turgeon, "Never Leaving California" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “Never Leaving California” (2020): One Track Mind

Vibrating with volume, Richard Turgeon’s “Never Leaving California” projects a mood that fits right in with its dark subject matter.

Richard Turgeon, "22" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “22” (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon’s energetic delivery of “22” is right in sync with its youth-obsessed theme.

Richard Turgeon, "Sunset" (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon, “Sunset” (2020): One Track Mind

Richard Turgeon’s latest single is clothed in appealing arrangements consisting of chiming guitars, polished melodies and a breezy chorus.