Post Tagged with: "One Track Mind"


Mini Mansions + Brian Wilson, “Any Emotions” (2015): One Track Mind

Mini Mansions, a still-emerging LA-based trio, thought they might get the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson on their new song. What were the chances?


Mickey Newbury, “The Long Road Home” (2002): One Track Mind

An ailing Mickey Newbury saved one of his best songs for the final album released during his lifetime.

The Eddies, "Together" + "Nuclear Boy" (2015): One Track Mind

The Eddies, “Together” + “Nuclear Boy” (2015): One Track Mind

New music from the Eddies is always welcome, and these two songs continue to clarify the Southern California trio’s value and importance.


Nick Cave, “Avalanche” from Black Sails on Starz (2015): One Track Mind

Stripped down to its girders, Nick Cave’s new interpretation of Leonard Cohen’s “Avalanche” takes on an epic, swirling sadness.


Neal Morse Band, “The Grand Experiment” (2015): One Track Mind

Adroitly named, the title song from ‘The Grand Experiment’ finds Neal Morse trying on a new musical persona – in more ways than one.


Lead Belly, “Princess Elizabeth” from Lead Belly: Smithsonian-Folkways Collection (2015)

A previously unheard song finds Lead Belly singing about an event both literally and figuratively a world away from his life in the piney woods.


Jamey Johnson, “Alabama Pines” (2015): One Track Mind

Jamey Johnson has released his first new non-holiday song since ending a prolonged dispute with Mercury and launching his own label.


Butch Walker + Bob Mould, “Father’s Day” from Afraid of Ghosts (2015): One Track Mind

Bob Mould’s scorching turn might have obscured a lesser singer. But Butch Walker’s resonant voice carries “Father’s Day.”


Josh Hoyer and the Shadowboxers, “Over The City” from Living By The Minute (2015): Something Else! exclusive stream

Here’s an exclusive stream of Josh Hoyer and the Shadowboxers’ “Over The City”, a deeply soulful, poignant observation of the people that society forgot.


David Gibson, “The High Road” from Boom! (2015): Something Else! sneak peek

“The High Road” is straight-ahead, hard swinging delight from trombonist David Gibson and his quintet.