Post Tagged with: "On Second Thought"

Hello Sailor - 'Hello Sailor' (1977): Antipodean April

Hello Sailor – ‘Hello Sailor’ (1977): Antipodean April

‘Hello Sailor’ is pure fun ’70s rock through a Kiwi lens, with songs boasting elements of funk, R&B, psychedelic, and even a bit of a Polynesian influence.

How the Bee Gees Overcame It All to Produce the Magical 'Odessa'

How the Bee Gees Overcame It All to Produce the Magical ‘Odessa’

The Bee Gees were in a precarious position 55 years ago when their only original double album was first released in the UK. They turned in a masterpiece.

How Eric Clapton's 'Me and Mr. Johnson' Made the Case for British Blues

How Eric Clapton’s ‘Me and Mr. Johnson’ Made the Case for British Blues

I thought I didn’t need another take on “Come On In My Kitchen.” Twenty years ago, Eric Clapton proved me wrong with ‘Me and Mr. Johnson.’

Why That Self-Titled 1994 Album Is the Best Motley Crue You Never Heard

Why That Self-Titled 1994 Album Is the Best Motley Crue You Never Heard

Released 30 years ago, ‘Motley Crue’ is actually their heaviest and most mature record – mature, of course, being a relative term.

Why Joe Jackson's Retro 'Body and Soul' Said So Much About His Future

Why Joe Jackson’s Retro ‘Body and Soul’ Said So Much About His Future

Released 40 years ago today, the daring ‘Body and Soul’ put to bed forever the idea that Joe Jackson was just another punk.

Luckless UK's Underrated 'Danger Money' Arrived Just as Prog Fell Apart

Luckless UK’s Underrated ‘Danger Money’ Arrived Just as Prog Fell Apart

Released 45 years ago this month, UK’s trio-led sophomore effort ‘Danger Money’ is past due for a reevaluation.

Why Aerosmith Finally Broke Through With 'Get Your Wings'

Why Aerosmith Finally Broke Through With ‘Get Your Wings’

Aerosmith’s debut may have sparked comparisons to the Rolling Stones, but ‘Get Your Wings’ arrived 50 years ago with a different approach.

Five Moments of Eternal Brilliance From Steely Dan's 'Pretzel Logic'

Five Moments of Eternal Brilliance From Steely Dan’s ‘Pretzel Logic’

Released 50 years ago today, Steely Dan’s ‘Pretzel Logic’ remains a pinnacle achievement for the premier jazz-pop rock band. Here’s a handful of reasons why.

Why You Shouldn't Overlook the Doobie Brothers' 'What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits'

Why You Shouldn’t Overlook the Doobie Brothers’ ‘What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits’

Released 50 years ago this month, ‘What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits’ found the Doobie Brothers at a near-peak of their early-era powers.

Why Deelee Dube's 'Trying Times' Remains Such a Comfort

Why Deelee Dube’s ‘Trying Times’ Remains Such a Comfort

Relaxed yet articulate, it’s easy to see why Deelee Dube is the first European to win the Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition.