Post Tagged with: "On Second Thought"


Peter Himmelman’s Long-Form Triumph ‘Skin’ Continues to Mystify – In a Good Way

Peter Himmelman released a concept album 25 years ago today, and I’m still not sure I understand what happens. I hope I never will.

How the Sweet Finally Came Into Their Own With 'Sweet Fanny Adams'

How the Sweet Finally Came Into Their Own With ‘Sweet Fanny Adams’

‘Sweet Fanny Adams,’ thought of as the first genuine album from the Sweet, arrived 45 years ago this month.

Diana Krall's Sweetly Erotic 'Quiet Nights' Was Perfectly Named

Diana Krall’s Sweetly Erotic ‘Quiet Nights’ Was Perfectly Named

Released a decade ago today, Diana Krall’s ‘Quiet Nights’ succeeds as easy listening – in the best sense of those words.

Aerosmith Finally Got Down, Dirty and Just Right Again on 'Honkin' on Bobo'

Aerosmith Finally Got Down, Dirty and Just Right Again on ‘Honkin’ on Bobo’

It didn’t last very long, but Aerosmith belatedly recaptured their initial spirit and energy 15 years ago today on ‘Honkin’ on Bobo.’

Lou Reed Head Faked His Fans Once Again With 'Animal Serenade'

Lou Reed Head Faked His Fans Once Again With ‘Animal Serenade’

Lou Reed’s live ‘Animal Serenade’ delivered the goods 15 years ago this week, but – gasp! – in an elegant, almost cerebral fashion.

How 'One Way Out' Finally Sold Me on the Allman Brothers Band

How ‘One Way Out’ Finally Sold Me on the Allman Brothers Band

The Allman Brothers Band made a new fan 15 years ago today with the release of their final concert recording.

Return to Forever's Surprise 'Returns' Smartly Focused on the Past

Return to Forever’s Surprise ‘Returns’ Smartly Focused on the Past

‘Return to Forever: Returns’ arrived 10 years ago today as a reminder of everything we loved about this cosmic, muscular and damned funky band.

Wynton Marsalis Finally Learned How to Have Fun Again With 'The Magic Hour'

Wynton Marsalis Finally Learned How to Have Fun Again With ‘The Magic Hour’

Wynton Marsalis signed with the Blue Note label 15 years ago, then released an album worthy of that bastion of earthy joy.

Why the Byrds' 'Dr. Byrds and Mr. Hyde' Failed to Meld Disparate Styles

Why the Byrds’ ‘Dr. Byrds and Mr. Hyde’ Failed to Meld Disparate Styles

A reworked edition of the Byrds tried to combine country and psychedelic rock on an album released 50 years ago today.

How Bennie Maupin Left Mwandishi Behind on 'The Jewel in the Lotus'

How Bennie Maupin Left Mwandishi Behind on ‘The Jewel in the Lotus’

Bennie Maupin went solo 45 years ago this month, taking concepts (and players) from his time with Herbie Hancock – but using a far different approach.