Toto’s David Paich on His Solo Debut, ‘Forgotten Toys’: Something Else! Interview
David Paich joins Preston Frazier to discuss his debut solo EP ‘Forgotten Toys,’ as well as key deep cuts from his legendary Toto discography.
David Paich joins Preston Frazier to discuss his debut solo EP ‘Forgotten Toys,’ as well as key deep cuts from his legendary Toto discography.
Mamas Gun dig deep again and again into the R&B cavalcade of time, conjuring track after track of unique, satisfying music.
Michael Formanek’s composing prowess had set a high standard for this ensemble. Sometimes, though, you just gotta let guys run off the leash. And, as we now know with ‘Other Zones,’ he did.
Source material, much like actors, was merely a tool for Stanley Kubrick, a handy instrument to facilitate his vision.
Here is the video premiere of “wha tekau ma iwa,” from the fully improvisational ‘4.9’ album by Rocío Giménez López, Matthew Golombisky and Matias Formica.
With ‘Pride & Joy,’ piano ace Jon Cowherd leads a top-shelf trio with two very special guests to make high-quality jazz richly inspired by personal experiences.
For those who favor fire-breathing fusion as their progressive music of choice, ex-Dream Theater member Derek Sherinian’s ‘Vortex’ nicely fits the bill.
With ‘Parallel Motion,’ the Yellowjackets continue to defy the tendency of even the best bands to run out of steam and go stale.
Cymbalic Encounters’ latest prog-rock/jazz collaboration with Brand X players Percy Jones and John Goodsall finds a delightful and always gamboled groove.
‘Pacific Ocean Blue’ arrived 45 years ago today as a rare spotlight for the Beach Boys’ craggy-voiced bad boy Dennis Wilson.