Something Else!


Kit O’Toole’s Top Beatles Albums, Books, Collectibles and Movies for 2016

This list of Top Beatles Albums, Books, Collectibles and Movies for 2016 includes selections that every fan on your gift list will love.


Kanye West, November 17, 2016: Shows I’ll Never Forget

By now, you think you know what happened at Kanye West’s Nov. 17, 2016 concert at San Jose, California. You probably do not.


Beto Martinez, of Brownout: Something Else! Interview

Guitarist Beto Martinez joins Preston Frazier to discuss Brownout’s ‘Brown Sabbath Vol. II,’ his early musical experiences and his work with Grupo Fantasma.


Mike Casey, emerging jazz saxophonist: Something Else! Interview

Mike Casey is, not to put too fine a point on it, an extraordinary saxophone player.

The Beatles, "All Together Now" from Yellow Submarine (1969): Deep Beatles

The Beatles, “All Together Now” from Yellow Submarine (1969): Deep Beatles

“All Together Now” shows how the Beatles incorporated other genres and infused them with their own rock sound, creating a unique music form.


Esquire featuring Nikki Squire, “Ministry of Life” (2016): One Track Mind

“Ministry of Life” is an excellent preface for what’s coming on ‘Esquire III: No Spare Planet,’ the third album from Yes co-founder Chris Squire’s ex-wife Nikki Squire.


Rob Reddy – Citizen Quintet (2016)

Rob Reddy’s ‘Citizen Quintet’ imposes itself as more than just a collection of songs but as a creature: inhaling, exhaling, always moving in crooked paths while always finding its way home, displaying evolving emotion as it bursts with complexity.


Memory of Elements – Now Noise (2016)

Memory of Elements’ ‘Now Noise’ is an album with so much going on that you’ll need more than one listen to fully appreciate it.


The 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco – The 3 Song Drive (EP) (2016)

The 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco are superstars alongside XTC and Squeeze in an alternate universe in which pop music doesn’t insult your intelligence and sometimes even challenges it.


Farewell Milwaukee – FM (2016)

Even at 13 tracks, the gorgeous ‘FM’ almost seems too short. Farewell Milwaukee always leaves you wanting more.