Stephanie Angelini, “Magic Christmas [The Best Time of the Year]” (2020): One Track Mind

Just when you think you’ve had your fill of holiday songs, along comes a tune that is impossible to ignore and reignites the spirit. Such a song is Australian-based Stephanie Angelini’s “Magic Christmas (The Best Time of the Year)” that not only casts a striking sound, but features lively lyrics charted of vibrant visuals.

Gifted with a pure and clean voice surging with emotional power and content, Stephanie sings a sweet story of the traditional practices and observances of the season. Extra points are rewarded for quoting, “every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings,” from the classic It’s a Wonderful Life movie.

Devised of zesty rhythms and magnetic melodies, “Magic Christmas (The Best Time of the Year)” is energized by the steady stride of a choppy drum beat, cool brass and orchestral touches, and a vigorous romp of hooky pop rocking guitar licks.

The cheery cut was written by Stephanie Angelini and multi-instrumentalist and producer Joe Mandica, while Daniel Agius supplied the musical accompaniment. Hitting all the right notes and nuances in all the right places at all the right moments, “Magic Christmas (The Best Time of the Year)” is guaranteed to provide continual spins of joy and comfort.

Beverly Paterson

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