Almost Hits: Cherokee, “Girl I’ve Got News For You” (1971)

Prior to switching their name to Cherokee, these guys were known as the Robbs and experienced a sizeable degree of fame during the ’60s as the houseband on Dick Clark’s fantastic “Where The Action Is!” television show. The Robbs also toured quite a bit, and delivered a collection of great singles and an excellent album of sunshine-soaked flower pop.

Released in the summer of 1971, “Girl I’ve Got News For You” (ABC Records) was originally written and waxed by the Birdwatchers, a Florida-based band that enjoyed much local success in the 1960s. A terrific tune to begin with, it was rendered even better in the hands of Cherokee, whose delirious harmonies, tightly structured instrumentation and exciting execution furnished the superbly-crafted song with an added shot of strength and power.

Scripted of shimmery folk rock aspects, “Girl I’ve Got News For You,” which made it only to the No. 116 spot on the national charts, is so true to the genre that it sounds like a prime Byrds cut. As a matter of fact, ex-Byrds bassist Chris Hillman appears on the track. Hooky as heck and radiating with electricity, it’s totally baffling as to why “Girl I’ve Got News For You” failed to score points on a larger scale.

Cherokee further issued an album, then moved behind the scenes to run Cherokee Studios, which still operates today. Located in Los Angeles, the studio has sired a swarm of impressive efforts over the years and duly boasts an impeccable reputation. Producer Sir George Martin echoes such sentiments, having publicly referred to Cherokee Studios as the best recording studio in America. Now that’s a real honor!

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Beverly Paterson

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