One Track Mind: Psy, “Gentleman” (2013)

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Can K-Pop juggernaut Psy catch lightning in a bottle again? Does anybody care? Actually, a lot of people care.

Yes, there was a ton of bitching about “Gangnam Style,” that it was stupid, vapid, and yet another example of the sad state of pop music. I have to admit that I watched that danged video more than a few times. The song was catchy but beyond that, the over the top visuals somehow managed to retain a corny sincerity. Yes, despite the explosions, dancing girls, and whatever the hell you want to call that gallop thing. The naysayers hardly matter here, as the Youtube video went mega-viral, now with over a billion and a half plays. Yikes.

“Gentleman” is full of much of the same hijinx as “Gangnam,” with dancing girls, sexy bodies, goofy dancing, and that pulsating beat. It doesn’t have a care in the world. Heck, it doesn’t need it.

So can “Gentleman” repeat the success of “Gangnam Style”? 20 million views in the first 24 hours? It sure seems to be on its way. And as I write this, that count is over one hundred million.

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Mark Saleski