Half Notes: Steve Miller – Number 5 (1970)

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The Steve Miller Band was huge when I was a kid. Everybody owned Book of Dreams and Fly Like An Eagle. That’s all I ever owned. So, it’s been kinda fun to dig into a famous artist’s back catalog. Check out the liner dedication: “This album is dedicated to the people in our struggle to bring sanity to the world now!; To NASA for getting the people to the moon, thus giving the world a new chance to expand together universally in peace; to Johnny Cash & Paul McCartney for their integrity in times of darkness; and to President Nixon: ‘We love you cuz you need it.’ Peace, brothers & sisters, music proves that there can be peace of mind even in these trying times. It is the gentlest form of communication, so we hope that you will enjoy these songs and that you’ll pass this copy on to a friend when you’ve ‘Gotten the Message.'” A spacey and somewhat bluesy record that’s definitely a reflection of its time.

‘Half Notes’ are quick-take thoughts on music from Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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Mark Saleski