Post Tagged with: "Sam Minaie"


Quoan – Fine Dining (2018)

Quoan’s ‘Fine Dining’ is a feast of so many ways two horns and a rhythm section can generate excitement and keep us guessing what happens next.


Dr. MiNT, “Down To One” from Voice In The Void (2016): Something Else! exclusive stream

If songs like Dr. MiNT’s “Down To One” isn’t where jazz is headed, then it’s probably going in the wrong direction.


Gavin Templeton – In Series (2013)

You know how one bulb goes out on a strand of Christmas lights and the whole strand goes dark? That’s because the lights are connected “in series.” Gavin Templeton makes the same observation in life and society in general You May Also Like: Dan Rosenboom – ‘Points on an InfiniteRead More