Half Notes: Fantomas – Suspended Animation (2005)

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Each of their most recent three albums had some sort of gimmick involved, and jazz-metal-avant weirdos Fantomas’ Suspended Animation didn’t deviate from that successful formula. The album mirrors Fantomas’ self-titled album a bit in that it’s essentially just a bunch of short tracks named consecutively. Where their first album was presenting an aural soundtrack to the graphic novels that inspired the band’s name, this one took on cartoon music as inspiration, and each track (30 of them) is named for a day in April (to celebrate the birthday that month of singer Mike Patton’s label, Ipecac.) It was more insane fun for those who like their music noisy and, well, insane.

‘Half Notes’ are quick-take thoughts on music from Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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