Post Tagged with: "Yes"


Greg Lake says friendly rivalry between Yes and Emerson Lake and Palmer almost took disastrous turn

In the heady days of the 1970s, prog-rock bands like Yes and Emerson Lake and Palmer were thought to be rivals, trying to top each other in every way — from elaborately constructed tours to even more elaborately constructed albums. You May Also Like: Carl Palmer isn’t sorry about reworkingRead More


Glass Hammer – Perilous (2012)

Sure, there are Yes comparisons to be made here. Frontman Jon Davison is, in his highest range, a dead ringer for Jon Anderson — to the point that he’s been asked to take over as lead singer in Yes. You May Also Like: Geoff Downes discusses Yes’ challenges in replacingRead More


‘It was an event’: Rick Wakeman on the lavish new reissue of Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Rick Wakeman will kick off a flurry of activity in November with a private play-back event this week for all of those who worked on a lavish new fanpack reissue of his 1974 solo recording Journey to the Centre of the Earth. You May Also Like: Rick Wakeman and theRead More


‘I’m enjoying music as much as I ever have’: Yes’ Chris Squire isn’t close to slowing down

Chris Squire’s old bandmate in Yes, drummer Bill Bruford, retired from music in 2009. Don’t look for the tireless bassist to go gently into that good night any time soon. You May Also Like: Billy Sherwood + Tony Kaye and Chris Squire, “The Citizen” (2015): One Track Mind ‘A LifeRead More


Billy Sherwood – The Art of Survival (2012)

Billy Sherwood again sounds a futureshock alarm on The Art of Survival, resuming an on-going exploration into the way technology is forever changing our lives. You May Also Like: Billy Sherwood + Tony Kaye and Chris Squire, “The Citizen” (2015): One Track Mind Billy Sherwood on replacing Chris Squire, soloRead More


‘No denying the Yes factor’: Glass Hammer rides wave of interest in Jon Davison toward imaginative new project

Glass Hammer, riding a wave of interest as its lead singer also serves a stint in Yes, is set to issue an epic new project called Perilous on October 23, 2012 — the American prog rock act’s most ambitious concept album yet. You May Also Like: No related posts.


‘Intense music being played by very cool people’: Billy Sherwood takes us inside The Fusion Syndicate

The forthcoming Fusion Syndicate finds Yes alum Billy Sherwood exploring his lesser-known passion for free-form instrumental sounds associated with Weather Report, Mahavishnu Orchestra and Return to Forever. You May Also Like: Billy Sherwood, Fernando Perdomo, Teymur Phell + Others: Five for the Road


Best of September 2012: Reader picks include Bob Dylan, Mark Knopfler, Neil Young, Jeff Lynne