Post Tagged with: "Whack Jazz"


The Nels Cline Singers, Draw Breath (2007)

  Now that Rolling Stone magazine has recently anointed him a “guitar god,” cutting edge guitarist Nels Cline has progressed far beyond his minor icon status of the 1990’s in the Los Angeles experimental music scene to become something of a known quantity among followers of progressive-minded electric guitarists likeRead More


Forgotten series: Bernie Worrell – Blacktronic Science (1993)

NICK DERISO: From the trembling strains of the first harpsichord notes here, to the rappy backbeat that follows, to the bubbling funk from later on, to the hard jazz moving through this album after that, it’s clear … Bernie Worrell — the original keyboardist with Parliament-Funkadelic— is crazy. But inRead More


One Track Mind: Caspar Brotzmann, "Massaker" (1994)

Sometimes, people listen to music with too much of their brain. I’m just suggesting you give your skull some attention. –zingzing As someone who’s guilty of taking more than a few strolls down the cerebral sidewalk of music, even I’d have to admit you have to keep your cranium happyRead More


One Track Mind: David Torn, "Structural Functions Of Prezens" (2007): One Track Mind

Since new David Torn releases don’t come around that often–the last one came out in 1998–Christmas arrived last month to lovers of electric improvised music, such as myself. Mark Seleski’s review of Prezens whetted my appetite further as he described the album’s music as “the combination of ambient approach andRead More


Gimme Five: Say what?!? Jazz’s most surprising albums

“Jazz is the sound of surprise”–jazz critic Whitney Balliett, 1926-2007 Sometimes you think you know a musician and his tendencies, or that he’s always played the kind of music you’ve known him to play. Over the course of pursuing my curiosity about certain artists, I’ve stumbled upon some rather peculiarRead More


Gimme Five: Five fantastic debut albums of jazz

by Pico A while back we looked at some of jazz’s most notable swan songs, a short, but certainly not complete list of the best last recordings of some jazz greats. So, what about some of the best beginnings? Here I will list five of what I’d consider some ofRead More


Alice Coltrane (1937-2007) and Michael Brecker (1949-2007): An Appreciation

by S. Victor Aaron The jazz world took a double whammy over the weekend as Alice Coltrane and Michael Brecker passed away. Both of these artists were among my favorites, and like many of others, I’ll miss them and the major contributions they’ve made to the art form. Alice ColtraneRead More


One Track Mind: Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Orchestra, "Gazzelloni" (2005)

Tokyo-based whack jazz guitarist, turntablist, composer, arranger and knob twiddler Otomo Yoshihide has been called the John Zorn of Japan for his love of combining experimental sounds with avant-garde jazz. And to my ears, there’s not much there to dispute the comparison, for better or for worse. His fascination withRead More


One Track Mind: Nels Cline, "Compulsion" (2006)

by S. Victor Aaron Heavy metal is not the kind of music I get into that much, but combine it with avant garde jazz and it’s often a whole ‘nother story. Caspar Brotzmann, The Scorch Trio, parts of The Vandermark 5; these guys have a way of making two seeminglyRead More


Build An Ark – Peace With Every Step (2003)

by Pico There’s a good reason why we’re looking at this record on this day. In the wake of the tragic events of September, 11, 2001 and it’s aftermath, L.A. producer Carlos Nino cobbled together a collective of about 20 local area musicians he named Build An Ark with theRead More