Post Tagged with: "Waylon Jennings"


Johnny Cash – Out Among the Stars (2014)

You’d probably assume that 1981’s The Baron, produced by countrypolitan pioneer Billy Sherrill, would do little to suggest where Johnny Cash would end up a little over a decade later with the American Recordings series. You May Also Like: Tom Petty, Johnny Cash + Beastie Boys: Rick Rubin’s Most ImportantRead More

Country Artists That Metal Fans Should Know: Gimme Five

Country Artists That Metal Fans Should Know: Gimme Five

A couple of personal comments I’ve received over the last few days from my annual Country and Southern Rock List got me thinking a little about the best entry points for metal folks into the country world. You May Also Like: How Johnny Cash Challenged Convention Once Again on ‘AmericanRead More


Fred Phillips’ Top Albums for 2012: Country and Southern Rock

This is the first time that I’ve ever enjoyed enough records from the country and Southern rock genres to put together a list. Maybe I’m getting old and turning into that country music-loving guy that my relatives always told me I would when I “grew out of all that crazyRead More


The Music Inside: A Collaboration Dedicated to Waylon Jennings, Volume II (2012)

What the hell happened? The Music Inside Volume 1 offered fans a heartfelt tribute to Waylon Jennings from people who knew him or were heavily influenced by his music. You May Also Like: How Robben Ford’s ‘The Inside Story’ Introduced the Yellowjackets to the World Shooter Jennings – ‘Shooter’ (2018)


Fred's Country Fried Rock: Shooter Jennings, “Outlaw You” (2012)