Post Tagged with: "Tom Johnson"


Jellyfish – Stack-a-Tracks (2012)

We Jellyfish fans will take whatever new music from the band we can get, even if by “new” that means “the same old music in a new form.” Record Store Day’s now annual Black Friday event this year included a limited edition of the bands two albums Bellybutton and SpiltRead More


Desert Island Discs: Canadian Bands Edition

In a pitched battle for Canuck supremacy, Neil Young edged out Rush by just one mention, as we imagined what being stranded on an island just off the coast of Canada might be like. You May Also Like: How the Holocaust Shaped One of Rock’s Signature Bands The History ofRead More


One Track Mind: Fates Warning, “Under The Milky Way” (2006)

This is what the internet is, or should be, all about: stumbling onto some weird thing that thrills you. Take that as you may, obviously, but as a music fiend, I’m talking about moments like right now where searching for one thing I find something else You May Also Like:Read More


Desert Island Discs: Guitar Record Edition

Stuck on a desert island, you’re going to want to rock every once in a while, right? That’s where this string-bending, axe-swinging, fretboard-melting, amp-blowing list comes in. You May Also Like: Here’s how Genesis’ ‘The Musical Box’ gave rise to Eddie Van Halen Robben Ford’s Tasty, Energetic ‘Soul on Ten’Read More


Tired of “Stairway to Heaven”? Try These Led Zeppelin Songs Instead

We dug into Led Zeppelin’s 1969 sophomore release, 1970’s ‘III,’ 1975’s ‘Physical Graffiti,’ and 1976’s ‘Presence’ for slightly lesser-known highlights.


Steven Wilson – Get All You Deserve (2012)