Post Tagged with: "Sunnyside Records"


Steve Kuhn Trio – ‘To and From the Heart’ (2018)

Steve Kuhn just doing his regular jazz trio thing with Joey Baron and Steve Swallow – as they do on ‘To and From the Heart’ – is always exceptionally good.


Harriet Tubman – ‘The Terror End of Beauty’ (2018)

Harriet Tubman continues with the lofty ideas found on 2017’s ‘Araminta,’ and one ups it with deeper experimentations into rhythms.


Denny Zeitlin – Wishing On The Moon (2018)

Pianist Denny Zeitlin’s ‘Wishing On The Moon’ presents three unique musical personalities in pursuit of the right group dynamic and their performance at Dizzy’s Club Coca Cola confirms they had achieved it.


Caroline Davis – Heart Tonic (2018)

You won’t gain any academic knowledge about the human heart from listening to ‘Heart Tonic,’ but it’s clear Caroline Davis invested all of hers.


Vector Families – For Those About to Jazz/Rock, We Salute You (2017)

While ‘For Those About to Jazz/Rock, We Salute You’ really has nothing to do with AC/DC, Vector Families has that kind of intensity level and spunk. Only with way more improvised gumption.


Denny Zeitlin and George Marsh – Expedition (2017)

‘Expedition’ continues a long, provocative journey taken by Denny Zeitlin and George Marsh along the innovative frontier of jazz.


Harriet Tubman, with Wadada Leo Smith – Araminta (2017)

In what will likely go down as one of the best uncategorizable releases of the year, Harriet Tubman’s ‘Araminta’ is a swaggering statement from four musicians who thrive on taking chances.


Glenn Zaleski – Fellowship (2017)

With only two albums to his name alone, Glenn Zaleski is a fully realized talent as a pianist, composer and bandleader. Fellowship is going to delight anybody who relishes Fred Hersch and Keith Jarrett trio records.


Duane Eubanks + DE3 – Live At Maxwell’s (2016)

‘Live At Maxwell’s’ is the first album to give those of us who hadn’t been able to see Duane Eubanks lead on the bandstand a taste of what he’s capable of in such a setting. We could use many more tastes like this.


Denny Zeitlin – Early Wayne (2016)

Leave it to another groundbreaking veteran like Denny Zeitlin to give Wayne Shorter’s songs tributes that are actually worthwhile hearing nearly as much as the originals.