Post Tagged with: "Stephan Thelen"

Stephan Thelen - 'Fractal Sextet' (2022)

Stephan Thelen – ‘Fractal Sextet’ (2022)

With ‘Fractal Sextet,’ guitarist/composer Stephan Thelen doesn’t necessarily introduce new ideas, but he takes good ideas he already developed and puts them into a new framework. That makes the music that resulted from this sound just as fresh.

Sonar with David Torn - 'Tranceportation (Volume 2)' (2020)

Sonar with David Torn – ‘Tranceportation (Volume 2)’ (2020)

Hypnotic as background music that becomes compelling with deep listening, ‘Tranceportation (Volume 2)’ continues a match made in heaven between Sonar and David Torn.


Sonar with David Torn – ‘Tranceportation (Volume 1)’ (2019)

The marriage made in heaven between Swiss minimalist specialists Sonar and master texturalist David Torn continues with ‘Tranceportation (Volume 1).’


Sonar with David Torn – Vortex (2018)

No adjustment was necessary for this new collaboration, because Sonar or David Torn complement each other uncommonly well on ‘Vortex.’