Post Tagged with: "Steely Dan"

Toto, "Bodhisattva" from 'Through the Looking Glass' (2002): Toto Tuesdays

Toto, “Bodhisattva” from ‘Through the Looking Glass’ (2002): Toto Tuesdays

“Bodhisattva” works for Toto for the same reason that it worked (and still works in concert) for Steely Dan: The song is damn fun.


Walter Becker, “War Baby” (ca. 1994): One Track Mind

Walter Becker’s unfinished “War Baby” is just one of several examples where he used metaphor to describe a relationship as a game of contention.

Jon Herington, Steely Dan guitarist: Something Else! Interview

Jon Herington, Steely Dan guitarist: Something Else! Interview

Jon Herington drops by to discuss his new duo project with Jim Beard, covering Steely Dan, and his all-time favorite albums.

Walter Becker, "He Wants You (Out)" (1997): Steely Dan Sunday

Walter Becker, “He Wants You (Out)” (1997): Steely Dan Sunday

“He Wants You (Out)” suggests that Walter Becker’s creative fire was burning brighter than we may have assumed during a period of down time with Steely Dan.

Walter Becker, "Couchriders In the Sky" (circa 2008): Steely Dan Sunday

Walter Becker, “Couchriders In the Sky” (circa 2008): Steely Dan Sunday

Right on the heels of “This Is My Building” comes another candidate for inclusion in Walter Becker’s ‘Circus Money’ that somehow didn’t survive the primaries.


Walter Becker, “This Is My Building” (circa 2008): One Track Mind

The ample leftovers from Walter Becker’s ‘Circus Money’ sessions continue to be pulled out of the fridge, warmed in the microwave and set on the table for feasting.

Walter Becker, "Our Lawn" (early 1990s): One Track Mind

Walter Becker, “Our Lawn” (early 1990s): One Track Mind

The ample leftovers from Walter Becker’s ’11 Tracks of Whack’ sessions continue to be pulled out of the frig, warmed in the microwave and set on the table for feasting.

Steely Dan Sunday: "Paging Audrey [Demo]" (2008)

Steely Dan Sunday: “Paging Audrey [Demo]” (2008)

A newly unearthed demo reminds us of the genius of Steely Dan co-founder Walter Becker, and what a huge loss we suffered with his death.


Walter Becker, “Just One Season” (2003): One Track Mind

Walter Becker could knock out a catchy jingle like “Just One Season” with probably about as much effort as it takes most of us to write something clever on a greeting card.

King Crimson, Steely Dan, Buckingham / McVie + Others: Preston Frazier's Best Concerts of 2017

King Crimson, Steely Dan, Buckingham / McVie + Others: Preston Frazier’s Best Concerts of 2017

Preston Frazier looks back at the best concerts of 2017, including tours by Steely Dan, Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie, King Crimson and others.