Post Tagged with: "Shows I’ll Never Forget"


Shows I'll Never Forget: U2, March 28, 2005

by Tom Johnson, at the San Diego Sports Arena We drove over to San Diego on a Sunday night, not really getting on the road until about 8 p.m. I had been hoping for more like 4 p.m., maybe 6 p.m. You May Also Like: Anti-Mortem / Scattered Hamlet, JulyRead More


Shows I'll Never Forget: Pat Metheny, Oct, 20, 2010

by Mark Saleski, at Binghamton University, Vestal, N.Y. Oh dear, I was this close to feeling disappointed. I loved the Orchestrion concept and music so much that tickets were procured and a trip was planned (across southern New Hampshire, Vermont, and all the way out past Albany to Binghamton, NY)Read More


Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, April 22, 2009: Shows I’ll Never Forget

“Outlaw Pete” isn’t exactly my favorite Bruce Springsteen song, but in concert it took on new life.


Frank Sinatra (1915-1998): An Appreciation

NICK DERISO: Frank Sinatra, 10 years gone, would have been 93 this month. His mystery still lingers with me, as does the memory of a concert — one of Sinatra’s last — when he recaptured all of that complexity. Sinatra was both a pawn to his past and the kingRead More


Backstage with blues legend B.B. King: Something Else! Interview

The concert had been over for hours, forever. But B.B. King was just getting started.


U2/Green Day, “The Saints Are Coming” (2006): One Track Mind

They opened up the building and we streamed through the turnstiles, tickets and hats and signs in hand. We bought Dome Foam, personal pizzas, and peanuts. So much of that was similar to other days in this place, as the New Orleans Saints played their first home game of theRead More