Post Tagged with: "Shelly Manne"

Ornette Coleman – 'Genesis of Genius: The Contemporary Albums' (1958-59; 2022 reissue)

Ornette Coleman – ‘Genesis of Genius: The Contemporary Albums’ (1958-59; 2022 reissue)

‘Genesis of Genius: The Contemporary Albums’ might not be as ‘legendary’ as what soon followed, but this is where the legend of Ornette Coleman begins.

Say What?!? Jazz Music's Most Surprising Albums: Gimme Five

Say What?!? Jazz Music’s Most Surprising Albums: Gimme Five

An exploration of the more notable hidden surprises in jazz.


Movies: Stan Kenton – Artistry in Rhythm: Portrait of a Jazz Legend (2011)

Stan Kenton would have been 100 this year and, in many ways, he’s as misunderstood now as he was in his own time. You May Also Like: 14 Jazz Orchestra, Jazzrausch Bigband + Grand Rapids Jazz Orchestra: Big Bands on Different Paths