Post Tagged with: "Sammy Stein"

Susanne Ortner Trio - 'Last Stop Sehnsucht' (2020)

Susanne Ortner Trio – ‘Last Stop Sehnsucht’ (2020)

Susanne Ortner’s journey to New Orleans was partly due to her seeking “Sehnsucht,” a German word for yearning or wistful longing.

Julia Biel - 'Black and White Volume 1' (2020)

Julia Biel – ‘Black and White Volume 1’ (2020)

With ‘Black and White Volume 1,’ Julia Biel has become a confident, characterful musician who can deliver numbers with certainty.


Ruby Turner – ‘Love Was Here’ (2020)

Ruby Turner’s voice has the ability to lift, charge emotionally and occasionally drop the listener into a void, longing for more.


Erodoto Project – ‘Molon Labe’ (2019)

Enjoyable, well-honed and expertly delivered, Erodoto Project’s ‘Molon Labe’ is a really engaging recording.


Jeff Goldblum and the Mildred Snitzer Orchestra – ‘I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This’ (2019)

Jeff Goldblum has a style that’s light-fingered, dexterous and at times pithy. You get the sense he is not out to prove anything.


ARQ – ‘Short Stories’ (2019)

ARQ’s ‘Short Stories’ is a thing of beauty, an album that celebrates life rather than dwelling on losses that sparked three of its tracks.


Day and Taxi – ‘Devotion’ (2019)

Day and Taxi’s ‘Devotion’ is an outstanding album with a rich combination of improvisation, tonal musicality and depth.


John Coltrane – ‘Blue World’ (2019)

We find John Coltrane on the cusp of a breakthrough with ‘A Love Supreme,’ with perhaps his best ensemble of musicians ever.


Viviana Zarbo – ‘Take Away’ (2019)

Viviana Zarbo can switch from being as sensual as breathing to being as scary as a she-devil in a heartbeat.


Carmen Sandim – ‘Play Doh’ (2019)

Carmen Sandim’s ‘Play Doh’ is full of surprises, as things which would not seem that attractive in theory work out beautifully.