Aaron Parks – ‘Invisible Cinema’ (2008)
The sky’s the limit for Aaron Parks and he’s already several miles off the ground.
The sky’s the limit for Aaron Parks and he’s already several miles off the ground.
Extended improv sections of songs oftentimes turn into what Umphrey’s McGee calls a “Jimmy Stewart.” So what exactly is a “Jimmy Stewart?”
Scrapomatic’s third album ‘Sidewalk Caesars’ once again brought the spirit to mid-20th century folk blues to the early 21st century.
by S. Victor Aaron Nutini, from North Of England Way, got notice from performing his songs in London showcase clubs and ended up signed by Atlantic Records when he was barely 18. Soon afterwards in ’06, he recorded this gem of a debut album. These Streets doesn’t seek to stealRead More
by S. Victor Aaron This is one I’ve been eagerly anticipating for a while; I’ve even said as much when I reviewed his last album, Perceptual. The wait finally ended on May 8 with the release of Season Of Changes. In that eight year span, Blade was providing drumming forRead More
I’m a little biased when it comes to Steely Dan. But my biases can’t shield me from the realization that this is a mediocre Walter Becker song.
Since his early days of hangin’ with Mr. Cougar, James McMurtry remains the same guy he was back then, but with some subtle differences.
“Quickies” are mini-record reviews of new or upcoming releases, or “new to me.”
If you’ve dismissed the Stylistics’ “People Make the World Go Round” because it might be a played of a soft-rock oldies station, take a closer listen.
Joe Pass’ ‘Six String Santa’ is delightful, whether you’re paying close attention or only looking for background music to induce a swinging yuletide mood.