Post Tagged with: "Rock Music"

Ozzy Osbourne + Jeff Beck, "Patient Number 9" (2022): One Track Mind

Ozzy Osbourne + Jeff Beck, “Patient Number 9” (2022): One Track Mind

I feel like I shouldn’t like Ozzy Osbourne’s new Jeff Beck collaboration, “Patient Number 9” – but I do. And I mean I really do.

In Defense of the Unfairly Overlooked 'Bee Gees' 1st'

In Defense of the Unfairly Overlooked ‘Bee Gees’ 1st’

Released 55 years ago, ‘Bees Gees’ 1st’ has since somehow disappeared from the public consciousness.

Gentle Giant - 'Civilian' (1980; 2022 reissue)

Gentle Giant – ‘Civilian’ (1980; 2022 reissue)

Gentle Giant said a too-early goodbye with ‘Civilian,’ a tightly wound album which tried to acclimatize their sound to the new wave of British rock.

How Rush Finished at the Top of Their Game With 'Clockwork Angels'

How Rush Finished at the Top of Their Game With ‘Clockwork Angels’

Sadly, ‘Clockwork Angels’ arrived 10 years ago as their final studio effort. But this was no mere shelf-filler: This was pure Rush.

Bob Burger - 'The Domino Effect' (2022)

Bob Burger – ‘The Domino Effect’ (2022)

After hearing this perfected piece of ear candy, you’ll wonder why Bob Burger isn’t a big star.

Robert Berry's 3.2 - 'Alive at ProgStock' (2022)

Robert Berry’s 3.2 – ‘Alive at ProgStock’ (2022)

Robert Berry’s 3.2 performance at ProgStock finds a comfortable home among the concept albums, side-long songs and quirky time signatures of old.

How Beach Boys Found the Sun Again With 'That's Why God Made the Radio'

How Beach Boys Found the Sun Again With ‘That’s Why God Made the Radio’

Ten years ago, the Beach Boys returned with the triumphant ‘That’s Why God Made the Radio,’ finally expanding upon their own dashed aspirations.

How Tesla's 'Real to Reel' Set Redefined the Classic Rock Cover Album

How Tesla’s ‘Real to Reel’ Set Redefined the Classic Rock Cover Album

Tesla released ‘Real to Reel’ 15 years ago, in a rare moment where it actually felt like the band was influenced by the music they chose.

Alan White, the Beatles, and Me: An Appreciation

Alan White, the Beatles, and Me: An Appreciation

Mike Tiano remembers how music and Microsoft brought the legendary drummer Alan White into his life.

The Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band': Greatest of All Time?

The Beatles’ ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’: Greatest of All Time?

The Beatles released what many consider to be the finest rock album ever 55 years ago today, but it’s not like that event rocked my world.