Post Tagged with: "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"

'Honestly, I have no plans to do anything': Kiss' Paul Stanley won't perform at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction

‘Honestly, I have no plans to do anything’: Kiss’ Paul Stanley won’t perform at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction

At first, it looked as if there would be a reunion of the original quartet when Kiss is belatedly inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame later this year. Then, maybe not. Now, it seems more like: Definitely not. In fact, Paul Stanley is saying he has noRead More


‘I’m not particularly surprised’: Moody Blues’ Graeme Edge on being ignored by the Rock and Roll Hall

Being the only member to have appeared in every different permutation of the Moody Blues, drummer Graeme Edge has seen it all — including snub after snub after snub by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They’ve been eligible, after all, since 1989. You May Also Like: The MoodyRead More


‘It will be really interesting to see’: One song seems to be a lock for Hall and Oates’ Hall of Fame setlist

Now that the sense of wonder has subsided for Hall and Oates, who waited through more than 15 years of eligibility, new questions arise for their belated Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction. Namely, what they will play — and who will induct them? You May Also Like: What’sRead More


‘I’d have to lose 10 or 15 pounds’: Ace Frehley contemplates reuniting with Kiss again

Now that Kiss’ Gene Simmons — who previously said he’d never play with the band’s deposed original members again — has relented in the wake of their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, at least one question remains: Can Ace Frehley still fit into his old costume? You MayRead More


‘It was hysterical’: Ace Frehley will be there if Kiss gets Rock Hall nod, despite Gene Simmons’ protests

Should Kiss earn a belated induction in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Gene Simmons has made it clear he’s not participating in a reunion with his fellow original members. That won’t keep Ace Frehley away. You May Also Like: No related posts.


Grass-roots efforts of Voices for Yes aimed at belatedly propelling prog-rockers to Hall of Fame

A grass-roots effort to get Yes in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame began with John Brabender’s outrage over the band’s having been ignored for so long. Now, he’s trying to get them the needed votes. You May Also Like: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Open Letter: StopRead More


‘You don’t get bigger than that’: Sammy Hagar wants Journey in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Ask inductee Sammy Hagar who he thinks should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and his answer comes quickly: “Journey; I want to stick up for Journey,” says Hagar, inducted as a member of Van Halen in 2007. You May Also Like: The conflicted history of SammyRead More


‘It’s a good feeling’: Hall and Oates credit fans for belated Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nomination

After years of fan complaints, Hall and Oates have belatedly made the list of nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Not that the duo has ever attached too much significance to the recognition. You May Also Like: No related posts.


‘The Hall of Fame tries to be too politically correct’: Van Halen’s Sammy Hagar questions why Journey isn’t in

Asked which band he thinks should join him in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Sammy Hagar says — without hesitation: Journey, the band Steve Perry spurred to chart heights just as Hagar joined Van Halen. You May Also Like: The conflicted history of Sammy Hagar’s Van Halen smashRead More


‘It’s like a golf club’: The Monkees’ Micky Dolenz on continued snubs from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Through the Monkees have been eligible since 1992, a quarter century after their debut single, they’ve gotten no closer in the ensuing time to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You May Also Like: No related posts.