Post Tagged with: "Queensryche"

Why Queensryche's 'Operation: Mindcrime' is Still One of the Best Concept Albums

Why Queensryche’s ‘Operation: Mindcrime’ is Still One of the Best Concept Albums

Queensryche’s ‘Operation: Mindcrime’ arrived 35 years ago this month with the rare ability to tell a story while still providing an outstanding musical experience.

Fred Phillips' Best of 2015 (Hard Rock + Metal): Iron Maiden, Marilyn Manson, Queensryche

Fred Phillips’ Best of 2015 (Hard Rock + Metal): Iron Maiden, Marilyn Manson, Queensryche

Picking a Best of 2015 list wasn’t easy. A few albums were outstanding, but I sometimes had a hard time finding new music that connected.


Queensryche – Condition Human (2015)

‘Condition Human’ marks the full return of the Queensryche that I know and love.


‘The Voice of Queensryche’: Bitter struggle between Geoff Tate, Todd La Torre-led bands apparently ends

A noticeable rebranding of Geoff Tate’s webpage indicates that a settlement in the legal battle for the rights to his old band’s name has been settled. The site now reads: “Geoff Tate: The Voice of Queensryche.” You May Also Like: Sweet Oblivion [Featuring Geoff Tate] – ‘Sweet Oblivion’ (2019) QueensrycheRead More


‘Very close to a settlement over the whole debacle’: Geoff Tate updates the case of Queensryche vs. Queensryche

Geoff Tate says the argument over who is, and who isn’t, Queensryche is nearing its legal conclusion — and that, “at some point,” he’d like to resume a friendship with his former bandmates. You May Also Like: Sweet Oblivion [Featuring Geoff Tate] – ‘Sweet Oblivion’ (2019) Queensryche – Condition HumanRead More

Fred Phillips' Best of 2013 (Metal and Hard Rock): Amon Amarth, Tom Keifer, Black Sabbath, Carcass

Fred Phillips’ Best of 2013 (Metal and Hard Rock): Amon Amarth, Tom Keifer, Black Sabbath, Carcass

Any time my year-end list starts with more than 20 candidates, it’s been a pretty metal year for me. That was the case for 2013 You May Also Like: Black Sabbath’s Often-Dismissed ‘Sabotage’ Is Far Better Than You Remembered Why Black Sabbath Went Out on a High Note With ’13’Read More

Queensryche – Queensryche (2013)

Queensryche – Queensryche (2013)

Round Two of the Queensryche wars arrives on June 25, 2013 with the eponymous new release from the Todd La Torre-fronted version. As expected, this lineup dips back into the history of the band You May Also Like: Queensryche – Condition Human (2015) Why Queensryche’s ‘Operation: Mindcrime’ is Still OneRead More


‘This is a democracy’: Michael Wilton sees clear differences in the way Queensryche works now

Michael Wilton takes the high road when talking about the forthcoming Queensryche album, their first without the departed Geoff Tate. It’s easy to read between the lines, however, as he talks about working with new frontman Todd La Torre. You May Also Like: Queensryche – Condition Human (2015) Why Queensryche’sRead More


Queensryche – Frequency Unknown (2013)

It will come as no surprise to many Queensryche fans that the weakest link in Geoff Tate’s version of the band may be Tate himself. You May Also Like: Sweet Oblivion [Featuring Geoff Tate] – ‘Sweet Oblivion’ (2019) Queensryche – Condition Human (2015) Why Queensryche’s ‘Operation: Mindcrime’ is Still OneRead More


‘How the mighty have fallen’: Queensyche’s Geoff Tate reacts to vicious fans comments

Merciless abuse continues to be heaped on the current album from Geoff Tate’s Queensryche, as a new video compilation of withering fan insults surfaces — intercut with stunned reactions from Tate himself. You May Also Like: Sweet Oblivion [Featuring Geoff Tate] – ‘Sweet Oblivion’ (2019) Queensryche – Condition Human (2015)Read More