Preston Frazier’s Top 5 Yes Albums: YESterdays
After concluding a song-by-song analysis of Yes, let’s delve into favorite albums by the worlds greatest progressive rock band.
After concluding a song-by-song analysis of Yes, let’s delve into favorite albums by the worlds greatest progressive rock band.
The questions about Billy Sherwood’s latest Prog Collective album are really twofold: Does it work? And what do the guests bring to the party?
‘Delicate Sound of Thunder,’ one of only three official stand-alone live Pink Floyd albums, finally sees an expanded vinyl reissue.
Scott Schorr joins Preston Frazier to discuss the second album from MFTJ, the Lazy Bones Recordings founder’s exciting new collaboration with Mike Keneally.
“The Gift of Love,” from the 2019 Yes EP ‘From a Page,’ is a fine song from a band that, despite its perpetual changes, continued to progress.
Norwegian master Borge Olson’s ‘Music in the Dark’ is reminiscent of guitar-based Euro-fusion from the ’90s, with a large dose of frenetic hair-metal vibes.
“From the Turn of a Card” is yet another fine addition to the Yes canon, and a wonderful timepiece celebrating Oliver Wakeman and Benoit David.
‘My Mom’s Getting a Horse’ by Mike Keneally and Scott Schorr’s MFTJ is feel good music for the thinking man/woman.
Branford Marsalis, Lucas Lee and Tim Morse are part of the latest edition of Five for the Road, an occasional look at music that’s been in my car lately.
Genesis legend Steve Hackett chatted with Ross Boissoneau as he prepared to release the upcoming acoustic project ‘Under a Mediterranean Sky.’