There’s more to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon than its trippy music: ‘Astonishingly relevant’
A key element to the album continues to resonate, Nick Mason says.
A key element to the album continues to resonate, Nick Mason says.
Best known among the early bands was Sigma 6, with Nick Mason, Rick Wright and Roger Waters.
Nick Mason was the lone member of the group to appear in every different lineup.
Boyd met the youthful members of Pink Floyd as owner of London’s first psych-rock space.
They often quarrelled, but Mason says this was a time of “wanting to achieve the same sort of goal.”
“There were odd moments,” he admits, “where I became conscious that things might implode.”
The only member to have played on every Floyd release, Mason has no regrets.
The guitarist’s last studio project was 2006’s ‘On an Island.’
“Empty Spaces” wasn’t the first Floyd song to include a such a message — but it’s the funniest.
The classic-era lineup of Pink Floyd last performed in 2005, as part of the Live 8 benefit concert.