Post Tagged with: "Peter Gabriel"


Tony Levin, legendary bassist: Something Else! Interview

The latest incarnation for bassist Tony Levin, best known for his work with King Crimson and Peter Gabriel, is as part of a fearless new trio album with guitarist David Torn and Yes drummer Alan White. Part prog, part free-form improvisational music, part noise rock, Levin Torn White brings inRead More


Something Else! Featured Artist: Genesis

Believe it or not, Phil Collins was once just a member of this group called Genesis. Back then, before Collins turned Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks into his backing band, Genesis had begun its musical life as a witty, sometimes quite theatrical prog-rock project. The twin departures, however, of PeterRead More


Half Notes: Tony Levin – Stick Man (2007)

by Tom Johnson Bassist Tony Levin has made an incredible career for himself backing some of the finest musicians in the world, but his most notable contributions have been with Peter Gabriel and the ’80s and ’90s incarnations of King Crimson. He left, then returned around this time when TreyRead More


Movies: Peter Gabriel – Growing Up Live (2003)

by Tom Johnson Perhaps it was a reaction to claims by fans and detractors alike that Peter Gabriel’s previous live offering, Secret World Live, was really more “live” than live You May Also Like: When Peter Gabriel Suddenly Decided to Open Up on ‘Us’


Something Else! Featured Artist: Peter Gabriel

Photo from by Something Else Reviews Anybody who names his first four solo recordings after himself is going to require some deciphering, right? We’re here to help with a five-song spin through Peter Gabriel’s solo career, featuring both charting favorites and a few forgotten gems.             “HERE COMES THE FLOOD”Read More

Daniel Lanois Collaborations With U2, Peter Gabriel, Robbie Robertson, Others: Gimme Five

Daniel Lanois Collaborations With U2, Peter Gabriel, Robbie Robertson, Others: Gimme Five

Daniel Lanois had a guiding hand as producer in creating several signature recordings of the 1980s. Here’s a look back.