Post Tagged with: "Movie Soundtracks and Scores"


Hans Zimmer – Inception (2010)

by Tom Johnson I found myself entranced by the horn-laden theme that repeatedly roared through the ads for Inception. Less song-like and more a series of massive, rumbling horn crashes, the music seemed as important as it was mysterious. Hans Zimmer’s score was no mere backing music. Like the biggestRead More

Terence Blanchard - Malcolm X: The Original Motion Picture Score (1992)

Terence Blanchard – Malcolm X: The Original Motion Picture Score (1992)

If you stop eating popcorn mid-munch during the opening strains of the film ‘Malcolm X,’ that’s just fine with trumpeter Terence Blanchard.


Quickies: Cassandra Wilson, Larry Vuckovich Trio, Peter Calandra

For this episode of Quickies, we stick mainly with the jazz genre with a couple of diversions to other styles found here and there. These new releases all start with traditional jazz, but our protagonists each put their own little twist on it. Our first entrant is a well-known quantityRead More


Obscuro: Don Was and Terence Blanchard – BackBeat (1994)

NICK DERISO: The most interesting thing about this soundtrack recording from the Beatle-based movie “BackBeat” was that it didn’t include, you know, any Beatles music. Was — co-leader of the now-forgotten 1980s rock group Was (Not Was), but more famous by then as the producer who gave Bonnie Raitt’s careerRead More