Post Tagged with: "One Track Mind"

The Allman Brothers Band's Ubiquitous 'Whipping Post': One Track Mind

The Allman Brothers Band’s Ubiquitous ‘Whipping Post’: One Track Mind

The Allman Brothers Band’s half century-old song about timeless heartache and the drowning of one’s sorrows has captured the blues-rocking imagination of a new generation.


Joe Mandica, “I Feel Fine” (1980): One Track Mind

A charming trip down memory lane, Joe Mandica’s vintage take on the Beatles will indeed make you feel fine!


Kait Dunton, “OCD” from ‘trioKAIT 2’ (2018): One Track Mind

‘trioKAIT 2’ was released last spring, but that doesn’t mean that Kait Dunton and her sharp, small squad aren’t done creating some buzz with it.

Walter Becker, "Our Lawn" (early 1990s): One Track Mind

Walter Becker, “Our Lawn” (early 1990s): One Track Mind

The ample leftovers from Walter Becker’s ’11 Tracks of Whack’ sessions continue to be pulled out of the frig, warmed in the microwave and set on the table for feasting.


Projekt Gemineye, “Virtual Reality” (2018): One Track Mind

If “Virtual Reality” is a fair sample of Projekt Gemineye’s forthcoming album, then we are in for a hard-rocking treat.


The 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco, “39 Grams” (2018): Something Else! Sneak Peek

Like the Real Thing, you might attempt to resist the 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco’s “39 Grams” but let’s face it, you can’t.


Toto, “Hash Pipe” (2018): One Track Mind

Toto gets a chance to show off a rare moment of good-natured humor on this fun one-off cover of Weezer’s “Hash Pipe.”


Natalie and Zachary Wilksch, “Can’t Get Your Face Off My Mind” (2018): One Track Mind

Boasting a gripping sing-a-long chorus, Natalie and Zachary Wilksch have produced one of those songs that will be swimming inside your head for eternity.

Chicago, "It Better End Soon" from Chicago II: Live on Soundstage (2018): One Track Mind

Chicago, “It Better End Soon” from Chicago II: Live on Soundstage (2018): One Track Mind

Fortunately for fans, a short but musically intriguing period in this group’s history was documented with ‘Chicago II: Live on Soundstage.’


Redeye, “Games” from Redeye (1970): One Track Mind

“Games” may sound too close to Crosby Stills Nash and Young to give Redeye a unique identity, but there’s still no denying its appeal.