Post Tagged with: "Nick DeRiso"

Bill Champlin, "Tuggin' on Your Sleeve" from No Place Left To Fall (2009): One Track Mind

Bill Champlin, “Tuggin’ on Your Sleeve” from No Place Left To Fall (2009): One Track Mind

Bill Champlin has a face to match his voice — rugged and sharp-edged, a great gravelly visage.


The Meters – Rejuvenation (1974)

A tucked-away treasure, the Meters never found their own fame like Booker T. and the MGs. No matter. Let it be our secret. Our funky, funky secret.


Koko Taylor (1928-2009): An Appreciation

Koko Taylor, a sharecropper’s daughter, crafted a five-decade hall of fame career that eventually earned her the nickname “Queen of the Blues.”


Diana Jones – Better Times Will Come (2009)

by Nick DeRiso From the South, but not really, Diana Jones sings with an unforgettable, old-time lonesomeness — like a late-arriving featured act at an old Carter Family jubilee. She then expands on the familiar bluegrass vocabulary with a character-driven, literary touch, nowhere to better effect than on the newRead More


Sammy Kershaw, everyman country star: Something Else! Interview

by Nick DeRiso  Sammy Kershaw has always come off as a working-man’s country star. It’s no put on. He arrived for a scheduled interview having just finished mowing his own grass, weed eating and all. “I love physical work,” says Kershaw, a Louisiana-born son of a farmer, a former WalRead More


Thomas Edison 'Brownie' Ford – Stories from Mountains, Swamps, and Honky-tonks (1991)

by Nick DeRiso  This is an updated excerpt from a multi-artist piece I had published as part of the statewide Louisiana Folklife Festival’s program book in 1995. Born in 1904, Thomas Edison “Brownie” Ford would travel all over the Deep South — working as a ballad singer, bronc buster, storytellerRead More


Tony Bennett and Bill Evans – The Complete Tony Bennett/ Bill Evans Recordings (2009)

“The Tony Bennett/Bill Evans Album” remains, for me, one of the three or four most engrossing vocal jazz recordings — along with Sinatra’s Jobim collaboration, Ella performing with Satchmo and Nat “King” Cole’s “After Midnight.” But what made the initial Bennett/Evans project, and its follow up — 1976’s “Together Again”Read More

? and the Mysterians, "96 Tears" (1966): One Track Mind

? and the Mysterians, “96 Tears” (1966): One Track Mind

The frontman from ? and the Mysterians once said that voices from the future told him they would still be playing “96 Tears” in the year 10,000. So far, so good.


Movies: Wayne Shorter – Live at Montreux, 1996 (2008)

“Live at Montreux,” which focuses on tunes from Wayne Shorter’s then-new album “High Life,” might have been just another night in a lifetime of concert dates — if not for the former Miles Davis sideman’s still prodigious, almost hypnotic ability on the sax. That, and some bonus cuts from MontreuxRead More


Something Else! Interview: Jazz pianist Marcus Roberts

Marcus Roberts has burst back onto the jazz landscape, 11 years after his last session, with “New Orleans Meets Harlem, Vol. 1” – one of the Florida-born pianist’s most celebrated recordings. A rich and explorative combining of styles from across the legacy, Roberts’ record nevertheless retains its uniquely Southern voiceRead More