Post Tagged with: "News"


‘I don’t get the same buzz’: Keith Emerson doesn’t miss Emerson Lake and Palmer’s 1970s-era mega-concerts

Keith Emerson remembers Emerson Lake and Palmer playing before crowds that would swell into the 10s, even 100s of thousands, then buzzing off by plane to play before another. Though, he admits, he doesn’t remember it very fondly. You May Also Like: Did Emerson Lake and Palmer almost lose KeithRead More


‘Taking its final shape’: Queen’s Roger Taylor nearing completion of first solo album since 1998

Queen’s Roger Taylor is putting the finishing touches on a new solo album, the Queen co-founder’s first since 1998’s Electric Fire. You May Also Like: No related posts.

Best of March 2013: Peter Banks, Toto, Eric Clapton, Jon Anderson, Boz Scaggs, Tony Levin, the Beatles

Best of March 2013: Peter Banks, Toto, Eric Clapton, Jon Anderson, Boz Scaggs, Tony Levin, the Beatles

Yes fans joined in a celebration of Peter Banks’ life after the guitarist passed last month, and dug into a pair of talks with Jon Anderson as the founding vocalist explored his old band’s shared legacy. You May Also Like: No related posts.


‘It’s come from someone I respect’: David Bowie’s role in naming Eric Clapton’s new album Old Sock

David Bowie’s long-awaited single “Where Are We Now,” in a roundabout way, helped inspire the name of Eric Clapton’s new album Old Sock, which the guitarist reveals originally had a far different working title. You May Also Like: How Eric Clapton’s ‘Me and Mr. Johnson’ Made the Case for BritishRead More


‘I wish them luck’: Billy Sherwood pulls out of troubled Geoff Tate-led Queensryche project

Billy Sherwood won’t be remixing the new album from Geoff Tate’s Queensryche. Just days after it was announced that the 1990s Yes vet would get involved with that troubled project, he’s pulled out — citing a host of other obligations. You May Also Like: Sweet Oblivion [Featuring Geoff Tate] –Read More


Mike Keneally’s Wing Beat Elastic to feature remixes, demos and outtakes from Andy Partridge collaboration

Fellow Mike Keneally freaks rejoice: there’s a surprise release on the horizon! April 9, 2013, brings the release of Wing Beat Elastic, a disc of demos, “remixes” and outtakes You May Also Like: Mike Keneally, “Draconian Blump” from ‘Nonkertompf’ (1999): One Track Mind How Mike Keneally’s Comeback on ‘The UniverseRead More

'A fun time with Peter's music': Fans invited to create a memorial soundtrack for ex-Yes guitarist Peter Banks

‘A fun time with Peter’s music’: Fans invited to create a memorial soundtrack for ex-Yes guitarist Peter Banks

A memorial gathering for Peter Banks has been set for 4 p.m. April 7, 2013 at the 12 Bar Club in London, offering those who loved and knew him best a chance to give the seminal Yes guitarist a proper send off. You May Also Like: Robbie Dupree, Chicago, Yes’Read More


‘I wanted sex and money’: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters admits he wasn’t always into such weighty issues

The inspiration that led to Pink Floyd projects like Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here and The Wall has been endlessly dissected. People talk about modern isolation, departed bandmates, the scourge of war. Not quite. You May Also Like: In defense of Roger Waters’ oft-derided, over-the-top RadioRead More


Former Time Out of Mind sideman Duke Robillard to join Bob Dylan on upcoming 2013 tour

Duke Robillard, a sideman on the celebrated Time Out of Mind, will team up with Bob Dylan again for select dates on his forthcoming tour, which kicks off in Buffalo on April 5, 2013 and continues through May in St. Augustine, Florida. You May Also Like: Mark Knopfler credits BobRead More


Ousted Beach Boys members Brian Wilson, Al Jardine and David Marks set second concert date

Original Beach Boys Brian Wilson, Al Jardine and David Marks have set a second date in what is becoming a tandem series of appearances opposite the band they helped establish more than five decades ago. You May Also Like: Brian Wilson’s No Pier Pressure was almost a Beach Boys album:Read More