Post Tagged with: "News"


‘I wasn’t that into progressive music’: Jerry Marotta on how Peter Gabriel, Robert Fripp changed everything

When Jerry Marotta was hired on to work with Peter Gabriel and Robert Fripp, he’d heard of neither one of them. A fan of rhythm-and-blues players, and most famous then for his work with Orleans, the drummer brought his own sensibility. You May Also Like: Jerry Marotta, Legendary Drummer: TheRead More


With ‘State,’ Todd Rundgren makes a return to the charts – the dance charts

Todd Rundgren is back on the charts with his new electronica-laced Cherry Red release State, the first time since 2004. But there’s a twist: He landed on the Billboard dance/electronic charts. You May Also Like: Todd Rundgren’s Arena was a cool return to football stadium-sized rock Todd Rundgren, “Rise” fromRead More


‘Write music, rather than songs’: Ian Gillan on Deep Purple’s breakthrough moment with Now What?!

Deep Purple has returned with one of its most complete recordings in recent memory, and it all began when Ian Gillan and Co. were discussing whether they should even attempt a studio effort like Now What?! You May Also Like: Ian Gillan on the differences between solo and Deep PurpleRead More


Something Else! sneak peek: Emily Bear, “Blue Note” from Diversity (2013)

Emily Bear plays her piano with a finely nuanced touch, with both her comping left hand and a right hand that can cascade notes like sand pouring out of your hands. The song, her own, is a circular figure to which she discreetly adds graceful touches You May Also Like:Read More


‘It’s a pretty daunting task’: Yes’ Geoff Downes on following Rick Wakeman, and avoiding the capes

When Geoff Downes was invited, along with fellow Buggles co-founder Trevor Horn, to join Yes just before 1980’s Drama, the keyboardist was taking over a seat once warmed by the legendarily talented, and memorably caped Rick Wakeman. You May Also Like: Geoff Downes Talks Up Yes’ Often-Forgotten ‘Drama’: ‘It’s aRead More


‘Died a death’: Mick Fleetwood on the surprising early fan response to Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours

1977’s Rumours, it’s worth noting, wasn’t always the best-selling album in Fleetwood Mac’s career. In fact, not long after they finished it, Mick Fleetwood says the group attempted to perform the project sequentially — with disastrous results. You May Also Like: Stevie Nicks untangles the history of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘SilverRead More


‘My first time in here!’: Highlights from Todd Rundgren’s online chat with fans today about State

Todd Rundgren held an online fan chat Sunday to discuss his newest studio effort, and an upcoming tour to start in May. He’ll also hold another edition of “Toddstock,” this time celebrating his 65th birthday, in June outside of New Orleans. You May Also Like: Why Todd Rundgren’s ‘Back toRead More


Gordon Hauptfleisch (1954-2013): An Appreciation

Having spent some of his earliest years just a mile down the road from where the Beach Boys grew up, the late Gordon Hauptfleish had a special way of capturing California’s flaxen past, always describing it with real force and wisdom. You May Also Like: ‘Drums & Demons: The TragicRead More


One Track Mind: Black Sabbath, “The End of the Beginning” from 13 (2013)

A day after fans heard the first single from Black Sabbath’s upcoming 13 project, the band debuted a second song, “The End of the Beginning,” live in New Zealand. You May Also Like: Why Black Sabbath Went Out on a High Note With ’13’ Why Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi WasRead More


‘It’s pretty cool’: Healthy again, Timothy B. Schmit celebrates return to the road with Eagles