Post Tagged with: "News"


‘How the mighty have fallen’: Queensyche’s Geoff Tate reacts to vicious fans comments

Merciless abuse continues to be heaped on the current album from Geoff Tate’s Queensryche, as a new video compilation of withering fan insults surfaces — intercut with stunned reactions from Tate himself. You May Also Like: Sweet Oblivion [Featuring Geoff Tate] – ‘Sweet Oblivion’ (2019) Queensryche – Condition Human (2015)Read More


‘If I had an axe, I’d cut the cable’: What really angered Pete Seeger about Bob Dylan’s Newport set

Pete Seeger bluntly refutes the oft-told notion that he tried to pull the plug on Bob Dylan’s first electric performance at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965. In fact, Seeger says he was upset over the primitive sound system. You May Also Like: Christian Scott Confirmed His Vision for JazzRead More


‘I’m excited to be alive’: King’s X drummer Jerry Gaskill roars back after last year’s health scare

As a new King’s X tour heads toward Texas, Jerry Gaskill continues to make a full recovery from last year’s horrifying health scare. He’s even readying a solo studio effort. “Very excited about that,” Gaskill says You May Also Like: Cash Box Kings – Holding Court (2015) Anthrax – ‘ForRead More


Roger Waters on The Wall without Pink Floyd: ‘Unfettered by more middle-of-the-road colleagues’

Roger Waters’ relationship with The Wall, which begins a European stadium tour in July, has continued to change over the years — and, in no small way, because he’s presenting it without the other members of Pink Floyd. You May Also Like: Roger Waters Discusses the Beatles’ Impact on PinkRead More


‘This is new and it’s fresh’: Journey alum Steve Smith’s next project combines drums, art