Post Tagged with: "New West Records"


One Track Mind: John Hiatt, “Terms of My Surrender” from Terms of My Surrender (2014)

In which Hiatt admits everything about the wonders, and the terrors, of love.


Delbert McClinton and Glen Clark – Blind, Crippled and Crazy (2013)

An easy atmosphere of camaraderie, a lived-in sense of community, surrounds this homey reunion, as Delbert McClinton and Glen Clark amble up, sit a spell, and share a few songs. You can almost hear the rocking chair creaking below them on the front porch. You May Also Like: The BlindRead More


Randall Bramblett – The Bright Spots (2013)

It would be easy enough to tag this as Southern rock, or as blues, or even — at times — as gospel, were Randall Bramblett’s The Bright Spots not so consistently all of those things, and something more. You May Also Like: Sea Level, “That’s Your Secret” (1977): One TrackRead More


One Track Mind: Steve Earle, “Invisible” from The Low Highway (2013)

Steve Earle, as is his way, gets beneath the bromides and the easy assumptions about the homeless, in a harrowing new song that digs out the hard-won scraps of remaining pride. You May Also Like: Steve Earle, “The Tennessee Kid” from Terraplane (2015): One Track Mind Chris Stamey, “Invisible” fromRead More


John Hiatt – Mystic Pinball (2012)