Post Tagged with: "new release"


’90 percent of who I am today’: Carlos Santana’s guitar inspiration might surprise you

In the midst of a long-hoped-for reunion of the classic-era edition of his old band, Carlos Santana is giving credit to drummer Michael Shreive for his role in creating Santana’s signature sound. You May Also Like: Santana will complete new reunion album this spring: ‘Like putting on a pair ofRead More


Gimme Five: ABC Movie of the Week, with Sally Field, Dennis Weaver, James Caan

Unlike 1980s miniseries full of glamour and glitz or 1990s relationship-themed cable movies, 1970s TV movies were sleazy, scary, dopey or just plain weird. They were characterized by schlock, horror and the occasional tearjerker or social commentary. You May Also Like: Act unnaturally: The Beatles’ Ringo Starr in the moviesRead More


‘I actually wasn’t too aware of her’: Phil Collins’ initial post-retirement project will be with … Adele?

When Phil Collins mentioned coming out of his premature retirement last year, the expectation was that he would start working with Genesis again. Or maybe Peter Gabriel. At the very least, Philip Bailey, right? You May Also Like: Phil Collins found himself at a crossroads with Hello, I Must BeRead More

WTF?! Wednesdays: Matmos, "Tract for Valerie Solanas" (2006)

WTF?! Wednesdays: Matmos, “Tract for Valerie Solanas” (2006)