Post Tagged with: "Netherlands"


Half Notes: Talking Cows – Almost Human (2012)

The Dutch quartet Talking Cows never take themselves too seriously — see video below — but the non-nonsense modern jazz they make is no joke. Admirers of The Netherlands’ great jazz icon Misha Menglelberg, Talking Cows uses strong melodies that often masks the intricacies happening underneath, and an energetic, pliableRead More


Half Notes: Benjamin Herman – Hypochristmastreefuzz Special Edition (2008)

by S. Victor Aaron The nattily-dressed alto-sax player from the Netherlands, Benjamin Herman, released Hypochristmastreefuzz in 2008, following up on his 2001 live album with the great Dutch avant garde composer Misha Mingelberg with a studio album of Mingelberg tunes. These sessions are released again in 2010, but supplemented withRead More