Post Tagged with: "Mort Weiss"


Mort Weiss: On the state of jazz, Coltrane clones, and the noose of technology

Some thoughts and comments — bound to piss some people off and others smile. Do I feel that I am an expert on what I’m about to say? The answer is a resounding yes! Onward. You May Also Like: Mort Weiss – Mort Weiss Is a Jazz Reality Show (2015)Read More


Mort Weiss – Meets Bill Cunliffe (2011)

Clarinetist Mort Weiss, who turns 76 years young tomorrow, is ten years into a remarkable comeback after laying off working as a musician for four — that’s right — four decades. You May Also Like: Mort Weiss – Mort Weiss Is a Jazz Reality Show (2015) Delvon Lamarr Organ TrioRead More


Mort Weiss – Raising The Bar (2010)

Imagine a musician who was totally immersed in his craft. Imagine that person setting down his instrument for 45 years. All of those decades away (and I’m sure Mort is tired of hearing about this story), all of that bad living. A reasonable person might think that attempts at aRead More


On Second Thought: Mort Weiss – Raising The Bar (2010)

I tend to regard unaccompanied solo records as a pretty good indicator as to how well that musician can play their instrument. Even if they play so well a capella, though, that doesn’t necessarily make it a great record. It can so easily devolve into a “look how good IRead More