Post Tagged with: "Moreland & Arbuckle"

S. Victor Aaron’s Best of 2013  (Part 1 of 4, Non-Jazz): Harper/ Musselwhite, Robert Randoph, Steven Wilson

S. Victor Aaron’s Best of 2013 (Part 1 of 4, Non-Jazz): Harper/ Musselwhite, Robert Randoph, Steven Wilson

With so many major releases typically timed go on sale to take advantage of the holiday shopping season, you’d think that most of the choicest music of any given year are records issued during the September-November timeframe. You May Also Like: S. Victor Aaron’s Best of 2015 (Part 4 ofRead More


Moreland and Arbuckle – 7 Cities (2013)

Blues-rock music don’t normally lend itself to big themes, and the trio of Moreland & Arbuckle didn’t start out intending to have one, but when they got done finalizing the song roster for their latest release, they took a look at what they had and found one. You May AlsoRead More