Post Tagged with: "Mike Pride"

Location Location Location [Michael Formanek, Anthony Pirog + Mike Pride] - 'Damaged Goods' (2023)

Location Location Location [Michael Formanek, Anthony Pirog + Mike Pride] – ‘Damaged Goods’ (2023)

Michael Formanek, Anthony Pirog and Mike Pride produce the kind of inspired music that comes from jamming – even if the record wasn’t made that way.

Shawn E. Hansen, Mike Pride + Clayton Thomas - 'DREAMBAND' (2023)

Shawn E. Hansen, Mike Pride + Clayton Thomas – ‘DREAMBAND’ (2023)

With ‘DREAMBAND,’ Shawn E. Hansen, Mike Pride and Clayton Thomas figured out how to fit their talents together in an inspired way for this experimental collaboration.

Three-Layer Cake [Brandon Seabrook, Mike Pride + Mike Watt] - 'Stove Top' (2021)

Three-Layer Cake [Brandon Seabrook, Mike Pride + Mike Watt] – ‘Stove Top’ (2021)

Never being in the same place at the same time, Three-Layer Cake’s Brandon Seabrook, Mike Pride, Mike Watt were somehow able to mold strongly peculiar music that fits together to form a weirdly cohesive whole ‘Stove Top.’

Jon Irabagon - 'I Don't Hear Nothin' But the Blues Vol. 3: Anatomical Snuffbox' (2020)

Jon Irabagon – ‘I Don’t Hear Nothin’ But the Blues Vol. 3: Anatomical Snuffbox’ (2020)

If you’re going to go extreme, do it with conviction. Jon Irabagon, Mike Pride, Mick Barr and Ava Mendoza are committed as ever for ‘I Don’t Hear Nothin’ But The Blues Volume 3: Anatomical Snuffbox.’


Ross Hammond, with Oliver Lake and Mike Pride – ‘Our Place On the Wheel’ (2020)

‘Our Place On the Wheel’ is Ross Hammond still in full-on rural mode, only this time with some really good help.


BUNDA LOVE (Mike Pride & id m theft able) – ‘Foreman’s Mustache’ (2019)

Mike Pride & id m theft able are a match made in heaven – or rather, the outlying regions of heaven where few dare to tread.


Mike Pride – ‘Marimba, July’ and ‘Drums, August’ (2019)

This is drumming extraordinaire Mike Pride taking DIY to the extreme, not only in recording these solo, but also in engineering, mixing & mastering these series of improvisations.


Jason Stein’s Locksmith Isidore – After Caroline (2018)

The return of Jason Stein’s Locksmith Isidore with ‘After Caroline’ is a welcome one because these guys don’t slouch for a second in taking on Stein’s challenging material.


Mike Pride – Listening Party (2015)

Mike Pride states, “making this solo record has been a total mind-bender.” Listening to ‘Listening Party’ is a mind-bender as well.


The Spanish Donkey [Joe Morris, Jamie Saft, Mike Pride] – Raoul (2015)

Here is a review of the freaky fun psychedelic improv free jazz/rock jam ‘Raoul’ by the Spanish Donkey, featuring Joe Morris, Jamie Saft and Mike Pride.