Post Tagged with: "Louisiana"


John Scofield – Piety Street (2009)

by S. Victor Aaron John Scofield isn’t regarded as the top two or three jazz guitarists of the last couple of decades just because he’s such a great guitar player. The thing that sets him apart from almost all the others is his ability to play a different style ofRead More


LA Funk Brass Band – Bootleg, Vol. 1 (2009)

NICK DERISO: A crazy collision between the brassy sound of Rebirth and the great grooves of Parliament Funkadelic, LA Funk Brass Band is a party actually taking place on the bandstand. That makes sense, considering this funky roadhouse choir features a rotating set of 50-or-so performers with roots from northeasternRead More


Irma Thomas – Simply Grand (2008)

Irma Thomas, whose Louisiana legend of a voice has darkened into a more expressive place, is taking a similar career tack. The new “Simply Grand,” in fact, finds Thomas moving deeper into the emotional underpinnings of her best work at a time when safer environs would probably be more profitable.Read More


Snooks Eaglin (1936-2009): An Appreciation

by Nick DeRiso Snooks Eaglin, who had been battling prostate cancer, shot to prominence on the strength of 1959’s “New Orleans Street Singer,” a record that even today is a revelation. Mostly, because it sounds nothing like Eaglin, who was as modern and as inventive and as non-traditional as theyRead More


Lightnin’ Hopkins, “Back Door Friend” (1965): One Track Mind

Sam “Lightnin'” Hopkins, as always, did it in just one take – with the money upfront.


Lonnie Wilson, Nashville sessions drummer: Something Else! Interview

“It’s funny how perceptive parents can be,” ace drummer Lonnie Wilson tells me. “When I was little, my mother was listening to me practice. I was running into the house, listening to a record, then practicing some more.” Musicians call that kind of near-evangelical practice “wood-shedding.” From these lonely, repetitiveRead More


Something Else! Reviews on the 2009 Grammy winners

Click through the titles below for Something Else! reviews on a number of last night’s key Grammy-award winners, including Robert Plant and Alison Krauss — who must have charley horses from going up and down to the podium so often. We also review B.B. King, whose terrific “One Kind Favor”Read More


Eric Lindell – Low on Cash, Rich in Love (2008)

NICK DERISO: The blue-eyed soul template has been copied so many times that it can feel like a faded and calculating conceit, something singers do simply to attact a demo. Unless you’re Eric Lindell, a native of San Mateo, Calif., who not only aspires to a Van Morrison/Delbert McClinton-level ofRead More


Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers – Git It, Beau Jocque! (1995)

NICK DERISO: Best to fasten your seltbelts, and put your trays in the upright position. “Git It” is a frenetic, fun-filled journey, this breathless moment of in-concert glory that comes and goes so fast that it remains sadly emblematic of the meteoric rise of Beau Jocque himself. During the lastRead More

Willie Nelson and Wynton Marsalis - 'Live from Jazz at Lincoln Center, NYC' (2008): Movies

Willie Nelson and Wynton Marsalis – ‘Live from Jazz at Lincoln Center, NYC’ (2008): Movies

Wynton Marsalis and Willie Nelson shared a stage in one of the most satisfyingly offbeat pairings from a regimentally segregated musical era.