Post Tagged with: "Louisiana"


Quickies: Wilco, Tortoise, Cyril Neville

December 17, 2008. That’s the last time a non-jazz record has appeared on a Quickies column. In the intervening half-year there’s been so many fresh non-jazz records that merits at least a few paragraphs, and sometimes the full fledged reviews can’t adequately cover ’em all. So guess what…it’s a QuickiesRead More


The Meters – Rejuvenation (1974)

A tucked-away treasure, the Meters never found their own fame like Booker T. and the MGs. No matter. Let it be our secret. Our funky, funky secret.


Sammy Kershaw, everyman country star: Something Else! Interview

by Nick DeRiso  Sammy Kershaw has always come off as a working-man’s country star. It’s no put on. He arrived for a scheduled interview having just finished mowing his own grass, weed eating and all. “I love physical work,” says Kershaw, a Louisiana-born son of a farmer, a former WalRead More


Scotty Barnhart – Say It Plain (2009)

by Pico Can Old School sound fresh? It did when Wynton Marsalis first burst onto the jazz scene at a time when tradition was largely ignored or widely diluted. After a seventeen year stint in The Count Basie Orchestra, a sideman stint in Marcus Roberts’ combo and recording dates withRead More


Thomas Edison 'Brownie' Ford – Stories from Mountains, Swamps, and Honky-tonks (1991)

by Nick DeRiso  This is an updated excerpt from a multi-artist piece I had published as part of the statewide Louisiana Folklife Festival’s program book in 1995. Born in 1904, Thomas Edison “Brownie” Ford would travel all over the Deep South — working as a ballad singer, bronc buster, storytellerRead More


Brian Blade – ‘Mama Rosa’ (2009)

‘Mama Rosa,’ named after Brian Blade’s grandmother, is a thematic album built around family, faith and early life events, as well as people he’s come to love along the way.

? and the Mysterians, "96 Tears" (1966): One Track Mind

? and the Mysterians, “96 Tears” (1966): One Track Mind

The frontman from ? and the Mysterians once said that voices from the future told him they would still be playing “96 Tears” in the year 10,000. So far, so good.


Quickies: Jake Hertzog, Rudder, Gene Ess, Jeff Albert Quartet

This installment of Quickies is aimed at introducing to you, Dear Reader, some amazing jazz musicians who may not have shown up on your radar screen yet: Jake Hertzog Chromatosphere Here’s a guitarist who is a 2007 graduate of Berklee, won the Montreaux Jazz Guitar Competition the prior year, cameRead More


Jesse ‘Baby Face’ Thomas (1911-1995): An Appreciation

This is an updated excerpt from a multi-artist piece I had published as part of the statewide Louisiana Folklife Festival’s program book in 1995. Thomas suffered a fatal heart attack later that same year, in his hometown of Shreveport, La., ending a career that spanned seven decades: On his oldRead More


One Track Mind: Benny Spellman, "Fortune Teller" (1962)

by Nick DeRiso Benny Spellman’s “Fortune Teller,” a witty early-1960s story song, is one of my touchstone party records. Everything about it is perfectly New Orleans, from the pounding piano to this sizzling island-tinged percussion, from a group of yelping, mesmerizingly groovy R&B backup singers to its not one butRead More