Post Tagged with: "Joshua White"

Steph Richards with Joshua White, "Zephyr" (2021): Something Else! video premiere

Steph Richards with Joshua White, “Zephyr” (2021): Something Else! video premiere

The highly individual trumpet of Steph Richards and the interesting twists heard on “Zephyr” set the pattern for the rest of the upcoming adventurous album of the same name.


Mark Dresser, “TrumpinPutinStoopin” from Sedimental You (2016): Something Else! sneak peek

There couldn’t have been a timelier song title than this theatrically creative nugget from master bassist/composer Mark Dresser.


Daniel Rosenboom – Astral Transference and Seven Dreams (2015)

Restless trumpeter, composer, poet, bandleader and record label entrepreneur Daniel Rosenboom sets up a multitude of challenges for this ambitious pair of projects and meets every one of them head-on.