Jon Anderson, Steve Howe + Tony Kaye on The Yes Album: ‘It was a special time’
Released this week in 1971, ‘The Yes Album’ was their big-bang moment, a project where the full scope of Yes’ genius began to take shape.
Released this week in 1971, ‘The Yes Album’ was their big-bang moment, a project where the full scope of Yes’ genius began to take shape.
Jon Anderson remembers “And You and I,” which became Yes’ fourth consecutive Top 50 single after its release this week in 1972.
Jon Anderson and Trevor Rabin discuss the creative process that led to Yes’ deeply underrated ‘Shoot High, Aim Low,’ released as a single on Dec. 31, 1987.
Jon Anderson’s lengthy tenure in Yes gave him a broad perspective on its most famous guitarists, Steve Howe and Trevor Horn.
Jon Anderson has found something of a kindred spirit with Matt Malley on the new charity single “Family Circle.”
They promise sweeping changes to old favorites in tonight’s debut concert.
Mike Tiano on whether this polarizing Yes album is a detour or a new path.
More than 1,000 backers have already pledged nearly $100,000.
This arrives at the perfect moment. Once more, there are no sides.
Ponty has previously worked with Frank Zappa, Elton John and members of Journey and Genesis.