Post Tagged with: "Jon Anderson"

Jon Anderson, Reza Khan, CSNY + Others: Ross Boissoneau's Best of 2024

Jon Anderson, Reza Khan, CSNY + Others: Ross Boissoneau’s Best of 2024

Jon Anderson, Reza Khan, Crosby Stills Nash and Young and others appear on Ross Boissoneau’s Best of 2024 list, along with some he missed along the way.

Jon Anderson and the Band Geeks – 'True' (2024)

Jon Anderson and the Band Geeks – ‘True’ (2024)

Already given countless accolades, Jon Anderson and the Band Geeks’ ‘True’ is truly an album for Yes fans everywhere.

How Yes Backed Themselves Into a Sleek New Platinum-Selling Era With '90125'

How Yes Backed Themselves Into a Sleek New Platinum-Selling Era With ‘90125’

Released 40 years ago this week, ‘90125’ reshaped Yes as a modernized best-selling ’80s band. That wasn’t a bad thing.

How Jon Anderson Faced Down Threat of Gunfire at a Yes Show in Argentina

How Jon Anderson Faced Down Threat of Gunfire at a Yes Show in Argentina

Yes scored a No. 1 hit single 40 years ago, prompting a lengthy, hugely successful international tour. Then they reached Argentina.

Can Yes' Disappointing 'Tormato' Be Saved by Its Deep Cuts?

Can Yes’ Disappointing ‘Tormato’ Be Saved by Its Deep Cuts?

‘Tormato’ arrived 45 years ago today as the deflating final album from Yes’ classic lineup. Let’s talk about what might have been.

Returning to One of Yes' Most Overlooked Eras: 'Magnification'

Returning to One of Yes’ Most Overlooked Eras: ‘Magnification’

John M. Gouldin breaks down five less-heralded albums Yes released between 1996-2001, concluding with Jon Anderson’s swan song ‘Magnification.’

Returning to One of Yes' Most Overlooked Eras: 'The Ladder'

Returning to One of Yes’ Most Overlooked Eras: ‘The Ladder’

John M. Gouldin breaks down five less-heralded albums Yes released between 1996-2001, continuing with 1999’s ‘The Ladder.’

Returning to One of Yes' Most Overlooked Eras: 'Keys to Ascension' + 'Keys to Ascension 2'

Returning to One of Yes’ Most Overlooked Eras: ‘Keys to Ascension’ + ‘Keys to Ascension 2’

John M. Gouldin is breaking down five less-heralded albums Yes released between 1996-2001, beginning with the ‘Keys to Ascension’ projects.

In Defense of the Long-Ignored Yes Album 'Open Your Eyes'

In Defense of the Long-Ignored Yes Album ‘Open Your Eyes’

Released 25 years ago this week, ‘Open Your Eyes’ ended up as one of Yes’ late-period orphans. It’s time to open your ears.

How Yes Pushed Themselves to the Limit on 'Close to the Edge'

How Yes Pushed Themselves to the Limit on ‘Close to the Edge’

Released 50 years ago today, ‘Close to the Edge’ represented a dramatic furthering of Yes’ creative process. They’d lose one member along the way.