Post Tagged with: "Joe Bonamassa"

S. Victor Aaron’s Best of 2014  (Part 1 of 4, Non-Jazz): Lucinda Williams, Me’Shell Ndegéocello

S. Victor Aaron’s Best of 2014 (Part 1 of 4, Non-Jazz): Lucinda Williams, Me’Shell Ndegéocello

S. Victor Aaron picks the best of 2014’s non-jazz albums, including Lucinda Williams, Me’Shell Ndegéocello, Drive-By Truckers and others.


Jimmy Barnes + Joe Bonamassa, Journey’s Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain, “Going Down Alone” (2014): One Track Mind

Jimmy Barnes is, off these shores anyway, a stone-cold legend — and an all-star cast including Joe Bonamassa, Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain gives him his due here.


Joe Bonamassa – Different Shades of Blue (2014)

Joe Bonamassa’s new batch of songs points up the fact that the blues does come in so many different shades. And all of it is good.


Something Else! sneak peek: Joe Bonamassa, “Different Shades of Blue” (2014)

Bonamassa advances his new album with a pretty nice display of his soulful side.


‘I’m messier, and a little dirtier’: California Breed’s Andrew Wyatt on Joe Bonamassa

California Breed’s Glenn Hughes and Jason Bonham worked with Bonamassa in Black Country Communion.


‘He is scary good’: Everyone praises Joe Bonamassa, but who does Joe listen to?

Find out who Joe says is “pound for pound the best guitar player in the world today.”


Something Else! sneak peek: Joe Bonamassa, “Oh Beautiful!” (2014)

As the reigning champ of blues-rock guitarists after Clapton’s generation, Joe Bonamassa attracts notice whenever he issues new music (and to the great delight of his fans, he does this often). You May Also Like: Joe Bonamassa – Blues of Desperation (2016)


Download: Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa, “Close to My Fire” from Live in Amsterdam (2014)

Here’s your chance to sample the forthcoming concert recording from Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa, with a free download of the scalding “Close to My Fire” from 2013’s Seesaw. Hart handles the lyric, originally from the German electronic duo Slackwax, with a dangerous passion, while Bonamassa plays with a tastefulRead More


Tommy Castro – The Devil You Know (2014)

There’s a different attitude surrounding these recordings, which find Tommy Castro collaborating with a tough new group of blues-rock loving youngsters. You May Also Like: Left Lane Cruiser – Beck In Black (2016)

S. Victor Aaron’s Mid-Year Best of 2013 (Fusion Jazz): John Scofield, Rock Candy Funk

S. Victor Aaron’s Mid-Year Best of 2013 (Fusion Jazz): John Scofield, Rock Candy Funk

“Fusion jazz” is one of my favorite genres because it can encompass the intelligent, episodic prog rock of Guapo, forward-thinking world fusion of Maira Marquez or plain fun instrumental music of Rock Candy Funk Party. You May Also Like: S. Victor Aaron’s Best of 2015 (Part 4 of 4, FusionRead More