Post Tagged with: "Israel"


Something Else! sneak peek: Rotem Sivan Trio, “Sefi’s Blues” (2014)

Played with grace, fire and the knowledge of how much of both to deliver.


Yonat – Daybreak EP (2013)

Bay Area singer/songwriter Yonat Mayer displays her considerable songwriting prowess on her self-released debut EP Daybreak. You May Also Like: Richard Turgeon, “Wanna Make Love” (2020): One Track Mind The Westies – Six on the Out (2016)


Reut Regev’s R*Time – ‘exploRing the vibe’ (2013)

Reut Regev’s ‘exploRing the vibe’ is a record that truly lives up to the title, as each song has a vibe.


Marbin – Last Chapter Of Dreaming (2013)

Marbin is presumably a hybrid of the last names of founders Danny Markovitch (saxophones) and Dani Rabin (guitar). The music of their latest album, Last Chapter Of Dreaming, is also a hybrid, but a hybrid that’s a little bit harder to describe. Nominally it’s jazz-rock, with dashes of klezmer, Spanish,Read More


Yotam, with Roy Hargrove, Claudio Roditi and Paquito D'Rivera – Brasil (2011)